Personal purchasing advice
You want to have certainty when it comes to energy costs, but to benefit from favourable variable prices as well. Which is why we spread the risks by purchasing from both the futures market and the day-ahead market. How do we do it? We are an independent energy supplier, which means that we can purchase from the market directly, and are entirely independent of generating plants.
Our analysts continuously monitor different markets and price developments. They analyse the past, study current affairs and prepare forecasts based on developments. With this information, they can then determine the most favourable time at which to purchase energy for our customers. When the right time comes, we purchase a portion of your expected energy consumption at a fixed off-peak price from the futures market. We then wait for the next most favourable time and purchase another portion. This means that we can always purchase portions of electricity when the time is just right. You will be proactively informed about purchases. We purchase the remainder of your consumption at variable rates from the day-ahead market. If your business consumes more than 200,000 kWh of electricity or 30,000 m3 of gas annually, Discover the benefits of spreading your purchases below.

Always to your benefit

Risk diversification
Thanks to risk diversification, you are never dependent on one specific time when it comes to making a purchase, thus ensuring that you get the best out of both markets.

Optimal balance
You benefit from optimal balance. Certainty with a fixed tariff in the longer term. Favourable variable prices on the day-ahead market.

We are independent and do not own our own power plants – we charge a fixed and transparent supply fee on the bare market price.
Interested in spreading your purchases?
Speak to our specialists. They would be happy to explain the benefits of spreading your purchases. There is no obligation.