The aim of the research is to better integrate renewable energy, by using the available flexibility to further improve affordability. Scholt Energy and Eteck are joining forces for this purpose. These two organisations, with years of experience in their respective fields, will exchange knowledge in order to jointly investigate the flexibility of heat generation systems. Where Scholt Energy has the knowledge and experience with energy and flexibility markets, Eteck can forecast the heat demand and control the installations that use sustainable local sources.
Research on flexibility of installations
In order to be able to make optimal use of heat generation installations, an analysis is made of all the consumption data of Eteck's systems. Eteck examines the technical possibilities for flexible deployment of the systems and ensures that there is no loss of comfort. Among other things, the bandwidth within which the temperature may fluctuate is tested, as are the restrictions on switching consumers or generators on or off. Scholt Energy investigates how flexibility can be unlocked by location for the energy and flexibility markets and analyses in which energy markets the flexibility solutions provide the most value.

Green electricity
Eteck will purchase green electricity from Scholt Energy from 1 January 2021. This is 100% Dutch solar energy. The CO2 emissions from Eteck's gas consumption are also fully offset.
About Eteck
Eteck operates sustainable, collective, decentralised installations that supply heat and/or cold. As an innovator in the sustainable sector, Eteck seeks to make a maximum contribution to the sustainability of Dutch heating and cooling demand.